Bowerbird’s Park Slope, Brooklyn NYC renovation

Bowerbird’s Park Slope, Brooklyn NYC renovation

Our clients at Bowerbird architects, worked with Anita & Norman Sussman on their renovation work that recently got featured in the New York Times!

A great tip on lighting in their article: "What they learned: In a space with low ceilings, consider your lighting choices carefully. It may be tempting to install recessed lighting, as it takes up little ceiling space, but the light it emits won’t be enough to brighten the room — unless you install more fixtures than you should. “You’ll have to put a lot of them in, and you’ll make Swiss cheese” of your ceiling, Mr. Kaplan said.

We're feeling very proud to see our ARQ pendant light beautifully fit right at home in this stunning Brooklyn renovation! 

For the Sussmans, he put a few recessed lights in key spots (over the storage bench and the dining table, for example). Elsewhere, he used globe fixtures that radiate in all directions, with one in the living area and another in the bedroom." 

Link to full article:

New york times article for bowerbird sussman renovation project

This post features:

ARQ branch chandelier (currently discontinued)

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